What Family Members Are Saying
We’re proud to be a part of the progress our clients make on their journeys towards lasting recovery and are ready to help your loved one take the next step in their journey.
Going to treatment is a scary experience. It’s scary for the patient and just as much so for parents and family. Most of the treatment centers have nice facilities, nutritious food, gym and yoga access etc. Clearview has all of those things as well but it’s not what makes them truly special. -Grateful Former Clearview Client
Clearview took the scariest day of my life and made me feel like it was going to be ok. What I didn’t know then, but I know now, is that as I walked through this experience for myself, they were helping my family navigate it as well. Just as I got the care and resources that I needed, they also made sure that my family was getting the same. -Grateful Former Clearview Client
Clearview Saved my life. Professional, loving environment. They not only educated me on how to manage my own mental illness, but educated my whole family on how to support a loved one living with mental illness. I highly recommend Clearview Women’s Center and appreciate each and every staff member who helped me learn how to have a fulfilling life worth living for. -Grateful Former Clearview Client