Mindfulness is an evidence-based treatment that focuses on helping clients live fully and clearly in the present moment without ruminating on the past or worrying about the future. Often used in combination with other therapies, it’s grounded in the idea that the thought process dictates emotions and vice versa. For example, clients may negatively repeat negative views and self-esteem harming statements as well as rehashing unpleasant experiences. Mindfulness is beneficial in the healing process for clients dealing with invasive negative thought processes.

How Does Mindfulness Work?
Through mindfulness, clients can learn to focus on the moment as well as their reactions and emotions surrounding that moment. This helps clients learn how to cope with situations that typically cause emotional reactions. Mindfulness techniques can be effective for helping clients suffering from anxiety, depression, and borderline personality disorder (BPD).
Mindfulness can be practiced in a group setting or individually, anytime and anywhere. The practices learned during mindfulness group sessions or during one-on-one sessions can be used to help clients when they need to connect with the present moment.
Mindfulness techniques taught include:
- Mindful Listening: This component helps clients approach conversations with open minds. Rather than interrupting or adding commentary, clients practice mindfully paying attention to what the other person is saying.
- Mindfulness Walks: Our mindfulness walks allow time for clients to pay attention to their environment with all senses. Clients smell fragrances and listen for sounds as well as feel their feet on the ground and the air in their lungs.
- Mindfulness Meditation: Consisting of deep inhalations and exhalations and learning to let thoughts drift away without focusing on them, mindfulness meditations help clients stay present and focused without getting distracted by background noise.

What Is the Evidence Behind Mindfulness?
Proven in numerous studies, used alone or in conjunction with other therapies including dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and acceptance and commitment therapy(ACT), mindfulness helps clients with mental health disorders as well as co-occurring disorders progress in their treatment.
Mindfulness is used to treat depression, anxiety, impulsivity, phobias, substance abuse and addiction, and eating disorders as it helps control negative thoughts and images from spinning out of control, thus preventing complex emotions that could lead to dangerous behavior.
Mindfulness has been shown to greatly reduce the amount of stress in those who have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A recent study also provides evidence that mindfulness meditation improves the symptoms of emotional disorders as well as physical disorders, relieving suffering in those who suffer from chronic migraine headaches.
Mindfulness is also proven to be safe, beneficial, and without any adverse side effects, making it a valuable part of recovery plans.
Mindfulness at Clearview Treatment Programs
Mindfulness is a vital component of treatment at Clearview. During treatment, clients participate in mindfulness groups and outings that help them focus on staying present in the moment instead of worrying about what happened in the past or what will happen in the future. In conjunction with the many therapies we offer, clients can better connect with their emotions and focus on their recoveries.