Does OCD Come and Go?

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Whether you have a confirmed case or think you have developed obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), you may have noticed a pattern with the symptoms. For long stretches, it can feel like not only do you have a handle on it but that it has entirely gone away. However, their symptoms can come back when they least expect them. This perceived phenomenon has led many to believe that OCD comes and goes as it pleases, but the truth is slightly more complicated.

Why Does It Seem Like OCD Symptoms Come Back?

For many people, OCD becomes such an ingrained part of their life that the mental health disorder becomes part of their identity. The unwanted thoughts become a significant aspect of their daily routine, and when they go away, it feels like a great weight has been lifted off their shoulders. Whether it developed in your childhood and followed you into adulthood or it developed later in life, understanding how this particular mental illness has unsettling staying power can help with your approach to your ongoing treatments.

Management vs. Cure

When discussing OCD treatments, many patients want a surefire cure that prevents it from returning. However, there isn’t a full-on cure for your condition. You become better equipped to manage your symptoms and keep intrusive thoughts at bay.

However, even if you aren’t going through professional treatments to learn how to cope, your OCD can still feel like it goes through regular cycles. They can feel less or more intense based on various factors, and knowing how to identify particular triggering situations can help you prepare for a renewed push.

What Kind of Triggers Can You Expect?

After going through a normal lull period where your OCD hasn’t flared for a while, you may start to feel relaxed and that the worst is over. However, if you come across a past trauma, personal crisis, or negative event that brings everything back to the forefront and causes a resurgence in your compulsions or obsessions.

When some people encounter these situations that trigger their OCD, they can fall back onto harmful coping mechanisms to deal with their experiences. This can include an overreliance on drugs or alcohol to try and keep their obsessive thoughts at bay. It contributes to why people with developing OCD can simultaneously have a substance abuse disorder.

What Kind of Treatments Can Help You Stay Prepared?

While OCD symptoms may come and go, knowing helpful techniques to manage them when they come back can help you better handle the situation. Your intrusive thoughts don’t have to become the predominant force in your mind, preventing you from living a full and productive life without being interrupted by these compulsions and rituals. Finding mental health disorder treatments in Long Beach, California, can help prepare you for the resurgence, but what kind provides the most help?

While no one instance of OCD is the same for different people, certain types of therapy and treatment programs have been shown to help those with OCD better manage their ongoing symptoms. For many people, cognitive behavioral therapy has proven effective at helping identify intrusive thoughts and developing coping mechanisms to deal with them.

Following your personalized treatment plan gives you the best chance at long-term success. Your therapist can help identify your personal triggers and teach you how to respond when you experience them again.

Let Clearview Treatment Help With Your Ongoing OCD Treatment

At Clearview Treatment, we help our patients treat the heart of their ongoing mental health issues. By sitting down with each patient that comes through our doors, getting to know them, and identifying the underlying causes of their OCD symptoms, we can better prepare them for the next instance where their OCD flares. Armed with better coping mechanisms and a support system to deal with what comes next, our patients are prepared to deal with the ebb and flow of their OCD symptoms.

If you or someone you love has OCD and wants to learn more about our treatment programs, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Clearview Treatment today at 866-339-3544 or complete our contact form.

If you’re ready to start your recovery, we’re here to help.

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