Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Integrated treatment for addiction and mental health disorders

At Clearview Treatment Center, lasting recovery is within your reach.

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For over 20 years, Clearview has served as a trusted dual diagnosis treatment center in Los Angeles, CA. We are dually licensed to treat complex co-occurring substance use disorders and  mental health disorders in adults of all genders.

The Relationship Between Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

Many of the same factors that increase your risk for mental illness also make you more vulnerable to substance use disorder (SUD). These factors include your genetic makeup, epigenetic changes (the ways external factors affect how your genes work), and environmental factors like childhood trauma, the behaviors of your parents, socioeconomic distress, and norms within your community.

Mental illness is itself a risk factor for substance use disorder. People suffering from mental health issues often self-medicate with drugs or alcohol in an effort to dull or minimize their symptoms, leading to patterns of chronic abuse that can develop into substance use disorder. 

Tragically, substance use often makes the symptoms of mental illness worse. 

What is Dual Diagnosis?

If you have a dual diagnosis, you suffer from substance use disorder and a psychiatric disorder at the same time. Often called co-occurring disorders or comorbidities, a dual diagnosis is a major factor when determining your treatment plan. This is because addiction and mental illness are often deeply interlinked, with each condition exacerbating the severity and complexity of the other. Mental illnesses that frequently occur alongside addiction are depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and personality disorders like BPD. 

Effective Treatment for Complex Co-Occurring Disorders

In SAMHSA’s 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, over 21 million American adults with mental illness also reported a co-occurring substance use disorder. Among adults with a serious mental illness–a psychiatric condition that causes severe impairment–around 25 percent also have SUD. 

Of the millions of people with co-occurring disorders, the majority either don’t receive treatment or are treated for only one of their diagnoses. This fragmented approach to care traps people in a vicious cycle of relapse and crisis; untreated addiction drives the drug and alcohol use that exacerbates mental health issues, and untreated mental health issues heighten a person’s compulsion for substances. Until both conditions are treated simultaneously, with a focus on the root causes and interdependencies between them, lasting recovery is hard to achieve.

A dual diagnosis treatment program offers integrated care that addresses each of a person’s diagnoses at the same time. Addiction therapy is combined with mental health treatment options like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), family therapy, and more.  

Dual Diagnosis Treatment at Clearview

Our integrated, evidence-based philosophy of care helps clients of all genders find lasting recovery from both substance use disorder and mental health disorders. We focus on helping our clients address and resolve the underlying causes of their substance use while also providing specialized treatment for any diagnosed mental illnesses. 

We treat a number of co-occurring mental health disorders:

Our Dual Diagnosis Program

We take a comprehensive and immersive approach to treating complex co-occurring disorders. Our residential treatment program offers clients the consistent structure and support they need to make lasting progress in their recovery.

Set in a quiet suburb, clients in Clearview’s Dual Diagnosis Program stay in comfortable residential homes with open floor plans, updated amenities, and peaceful outdoor spaces to promote rest and healing.  

With over 20 years of proven experience, Clearview can help you or your loved one find the path to a better life.
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What Makes Clearview Different?

Clearview has over 20 years of clinical expertise in treating complex substance abuse and mental health disorders. The trust we’ve built with the families of our clients is something we don’t take lightly. Whether in our residential or outpatient treatment programs, we can help you or your loved one receive the treatment necessary to live a full and healthy life.


What Our Alumni Are Saying

We’re proud to be a part of the progress our clients make on their journeys towards lasting recovery and are ready to help you or your loved one take the next step in their journey.
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Going to treatment is a scary experience. It’s scary for the patient and just as much so for parents and family. Most of the treatment centers have nice facilities, nutritious food, gym and yoga access etc. Clearview has all of those things as well but it’s not what makes them truly special. -Grateful Former Clearview Client
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Clearview took the scariest day of my life and made me feel like it was going to be ok. What I didn’t know then, but I know now, is that as I walked through this experience for myself, they were helping my family navigate it as well. Just as I got the care and resources that I needed, they also made sure that my family was getting the same. -Grateful Former Clearview Client
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Clearview Saved my life. Professional, loving environment. They not only educated me on how to manage my own mental illness, but educated my whole family on how to support a loved one living with mental illness. I highly recommend Clearview Women’s Center and appreciate each and every staff member who helped me learn how to have a fulfilling life worth living for. -Grateful Former Clearview Client

Taking the Next Step

We’re so glad you took the first step in getting mental health and addiction treatment by visiting our site.

All Clearview programs are in-network with Anthem BlueCross, TriWest (referrals must come from the VA Community Care Network), and are participating providers with the First Health and Multiplan PPO networks. Additionally, our Dual Diagnosis Treatment Center is in-network with MHN. We also accept out-of-network benefits from other major insurance companies, and for those preferring to pay for treatment directly, we offer a private-pay rate. We do not participate in Medicaid or Medicare programs.

If you’d like to speak with a knowledgeable team member who can answer your questions and guide you through the next steps or payment options that work best for you, call us or fill out the form.

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